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Also the home of
Crystal Clear Title & Escrow Co.

Data & Information Security Training

On March 22, we had the great opportunity to teach a lunch & learn class for local agents, lenders, and affiliates of the Traverse Area Association of Realtors. We tried to cram as much information into the short session, However running well beyond the one hour allotted time slot; a fully booked lunch had so [...]

2017-02-04T23:03:03-05:00March 28th, 2016|Industry News, Local News, Real Estate Tips|

7 Good Smartphone Security Habits

SECURITY TIPS As we load up our  smartphones and  tablets with more and more personal information, it’s time to get serious about mobile security. Despite the proliferation of cloud backup services, we still remain vulnerable to lost or stolen handsets, data theft, and various forms of malware. But there are certain things we can do [...]

2017-02-04T23:03:03-05:00February 17th, 2016|Real Estate Tips|
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