Best Practices

Mid-American Title Company, and Crystal Clear Title is proud to be a member of the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and is in compliance with ALTA’s recommendation of Best Practices for Title Insurance.
ALTA seeks to guide its membership on best practices to protect consumers, promote quality service, provide for ongoing employee training, and meet legal and market requirements. These practices are voluntary and designed to help members illustrate to consumers and clients the industry’s professionalism and best practices to ensure a positive and compliant real estate settlement experience. These best practices are not intended to encompass all aspects of title or settlement company activity.
We are not just Best Practices compliant, The Mid-American Family is also fully vetted and certified to handle transactions with our ever changing industry, and the C.F.P.B.(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau) Regulations.
We have taken the time to educated ourselves, and provide one of the only fully N.P.I. certified staffs in the region. Being proactive, and continuing our education has put is in the position of the areas local go-to experts. We are out training our industry on all of the important issues, and answering any question that might arise.